35 Indoor Fireworks


My brothers and I saw indoor fireworks for the first time at our friend Kevin’s tenth birthday party in 1965. From thereon no birthday party would be complete without them.

As best as I can remember…

The sparklers were just like ordinary sparklers, but a lot smaller.



Lighting this chap’s tongue started a series of bangs, much like a roll of caps.



Light the cigarette for intermittent puffs of smoke.



The North Pole; a slow burning match that gave off bits of fluff.


Christmas Tree; same as the North Pole.


Flashing Lighthouse; gave off intermittent flashes of bright light.



Snake Charmer and Jumbo the elephant; a worm-like thing grew out and extended the snake/trunk.

Snake in the grass, the star of the show; when lit a long brown snake curled out of the centre. As always, its appearance was greeted by sniggers and yes, I’m sure every kid in the land thought the same as we did.


Providing half and hour’s entertainment indoor fireworks were good fun, though it might have been a good idea to open the windows as they made a bit of a pong. As much as it delighted us to see various particles floating in the air like wispy fragments of cotton wool, it probably wasn’t wise to be in the same room as this chemical smog. Whatever, Indoor Fireworks became a must have at our parties for the next couple of years.

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